Having a clean environment is to promote a healthy lifestyle. One way to promote a healthy and clean environment is to dispose of all food waste properly. Organic compost is an excellent additive to the garden soil and provides a slow release of the important nutrients the plants need. A well-aged compost is balanced and should provide enough amounts of nutrients so additives are rarely needed.

Industrial composting is also known as commercial composting using large-scale composting. A commercial composting Australia is designed to handle a higher volume of organic wastes. The compost is produced and sold to plant nurseries, farms, or to individuals depending on how the facility is organized.

Commercial composting

Industrial or commercial composting is large-scale composting that handles a high volume of organic waste, as opposed to a home or private composting. The commercial composting system handles organic waste from one facility or household. But, the process of composting waste in a higher volume of waste needs an advanced system. With the growing interest in recycling, recycling, and reducing the environmental impact in business, commercial composting operations expanded.

How commercial composting is performed

With the use of an ecological waste management system, different food waste solutions are performed, such as:

  • Soil food system. It is a dehydration system that reproduces organic waste away from landfills to make a nutrient-rich organic fertilizer. The solid food system improves soil health, creating richer vegetables.
  • Rocket composter. It delivers an onsite revved in-vessel composting solution. The constant feed of green waste and organic food makes composting easy.
  • Grease guardian. An oil recovery system and automated grease system at sources for commercial kitchens.
  • Kitro. It is a state-of-the-art imaging solution providing a quick analysis of food waste.

Where commercial compost comes from?

The typical commercial composting operation gathers waste from grocery stores, restaurants, and other commercial facilities that handle food. Also, yard wastes are collected from landscaping companies and nurseries. Some commercial composters take green waste bins from individual people and people put food and yard waste into a separate container and set that container out for garbage and recycling. Anyone can invest in any of the mentioned commercial composting systems. 

Waste collection is completed with a fleet of trucks delivering the material to a prominent facility for composting. There are commercial composting companies are allowing people to drop off the compost, which is usually in large truckloads from agricultural facilities and farms. The large volume of waste requires huge space for composting and is ideal for anaerobic organisms generating extreme heat as a waste product. 

If you own a farm, why not invest in one of the commercial composting systems than regularly buying commercial compost. It is best to have the commercial composting system available at any time.   

By Jack