Those who are about to ski for the first time in their lives will be a little baffled when it will come to picking ski gear. How does one decide which one is the right one? Yet, one cannot compromise on picking the right equipment because the right gear can change anyone’s skiing experience. It can be a matter of safety while skiing. For this reason, it is important to choose the gear which will keep one safe on the mountain slopes. 

Erik Mogensen Colorado Speaks on Choosing Suitable Ski Equipment

Erik Mogensen Colorado is a reputed ski trainer. Erik says that skiing becomes easy and safe with the right equipment. If someone is using the wrong ski gear, one can get exposed to accidents while cruising down the slopes. For this reason, Erik says that one needs to be careful when buying or renting gear for skiing. In this article, Erik offers a few important pointers for selecting the right ski gear.

Don’t Go For Something Fancy

Fancy may look good on social media pages, but often fancy gear fails to protect people on the mountain. Ski premises can be treacherous sometimes. Hidden within the slopes, one may find many dangers. For this reason, it becomes essential to look for ski equipment that can keep one safe. If it does not meet the standard of social media viral equipment, it is fine. Safety is the primary objective of buying ski gear. One needs to remain safe up on the mountain. So, experts say every one to look for gear created for safety and comfort.

Ski Design

Everything starts from the design. If one wants to know about ski gear, one has to educate themselves about gear designs and types. So, while hunting down the right ski gear, one will come across plenty of designs. A rocker is probably the most common gear to find. It comes with a flat surface and the end of the skies are bent upward. These are easy to control. So, a beginner may like to buy something easy to control, and smooth to maneuver. Another type of ski one will find is designed for easy turning and better stability. This ski is called a camber. It is the traditional ski which people see all the time. 


One will need bindings. It is the binding that keeps people tied to the skies. For this reason, along with skies, one needs to buy bindings as well. One has the option of buying separate bindings. However, one can go for individual bindings as well. Integrated bindings come along with the skies. These are more convenient than the other type of binding. It is also easy to flex integrated bindings. One needs to remember that bindings are not for keeping the skies in place only. These are for letting go of the skies at the time of an accident as well. So, one needs to choose carefully. 

According to Erik Mogensen Colorado, in case of any confusion, one needs to speak to an expert. It is better not to leave anything to chance.